Toyota Prius from Michiel

(*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) (*) 195 reviews Amsterdam 253x rented out Owner

Rental by Michiel


About the car

Mijn tweede Prius, nog zuiniger ( gemiddeld 25 km op 1 liter), nog luxer (adaptive cruise control, individuele klimaat beheersing enz). Hij is van 2016. Meest doe ik met de fiets, maar heb ook auto nodig af en toe. Dus hij staat vaak stil. Verhuren via SnappCar bevalt mij erg goed. My second Prius, more economic (1 liter for 25 km), more luxurious (adaptive cruise control, dual climate ​​control and too many more). The car is from 2016. I cycle mostly but need to have a car aside. Most of of the time I do not use it. Sharing is caring! Parkeervergunning parking permit: oost3 see

Good to know
Electric / Hybrid
5 seats
Year of manufacture 2016
150 free KM's per day
+ KM € 0,15 per extra km

SnappCar Keyless

Open this car with the app, without the owner needing to be there!

Do's & Dont's
Going abroad
Leather seats
Tow bar
Winter tires
Other accessories

No other accessories

Car location

Hi, I am Michiel

Verified userMember since Aug 15, 2018


Ik fiets meer dan dat ik in de auto rijd. Dat is niet goed voor de auto. Daarom wil ik hem laten rijden, dan kunnen anderen er ook van profiteren, en verdien ik wat bij. I cycle more than that I drive my car, which is not good for the car. That is why I rent my car out. This is good for my car, the renters and I earn a bit extra..

Response rate100 %
Rented out656x

195 reviews

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Jurrian Jan 19, 2025

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Demian Jan 14, 2025

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Saeed Jan 12, 2025

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Peter Jan 11, 2025

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Shan Pramuditha Jan 9, 2025

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